Graffiti Canons
for SATB a Cappella Choir and Optional Slideshow
Written: 2015
Duration: ca. 12'
Instrumentation: SATB A Cappella Choir and Optional Slideshow
Graffiti Canons was commissioned by Volti, Robert A. Geary, Artistic Director. The commissioning of this work by Volti was made possible by the support of the Ann Stookey Fund for New Music.
World Premiere: March 11 & 12, 2016
Publisher: Bill Holab Music
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Although I have based many choral works on settings of poems, I also enjoy setting unusual texts. In many ways, graffiti is ideal as a source of inspiration. It is unpretentious, extremely varied and can be found almost anywhere: under bridges, in alleyways, on the sides of vans, in subway stations, and even in bathroom stalls. It may be illegal or sanctioned, artistic, text based, aphoristic, philosophical, or purely graphic. It can be humorous, innocent and childlike, or very serious and meant to provoke. Graffiti may be of our time or ancient. Certain cave paintings, for example, could be considered predecessors to modern graffiti. Through graffiti, gangs, tribes or individuals can hide behind anonymity; it is the voice of the voiceless.
In Graffiti Canons, I appropriate positive aphoristic sayings, sentences and phrases found in graffiti from various parts of the world. My goal is to create a musical tapestry that flows from one thought to the next and spans time and place, using canonic technique and chorale-like transitions.
Although I found many of the graffiti images online, others I use in this piece were obtained via a Graffiti Photo Contest that I posted online. Approximately eighty images were submitted, and viewers were allowed to vote for their favorites, which played a part in which images were chosen. A handful of the most inspirational photos were used for this piece. An optional slideshow containing these images may be shown during performances of this piece.
Graffiti Canons was commissioned by Volti, Robert Geary, Artistic Director. The commissioning of this work by Volti was made possible by the support of the Ann Stookey Fund for New Music (
– Robert Paterson
Note: it is requested that the program note be reprinted in its entirety (including the commissioning credit) in all programs, recording booklets and also other instances in which printed matter accompanies performances of this work.
Graffiti Canons
I remember when all this was trees.
Are we just a byproduct of existence?
Your in-tuition led you here.
You’re never too old to dream big.
Dreaming is my religion.Welcome to peace.
Protect your peace with love and intelligence.
Regarde le ciel.
Life is Beautiful.
Love someone. Love is the answer.
Love is Patient Love is Kind
To the world you may just be someone, but to someone, you mean the world.
If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.
Art is true. Art is not a crime. Inspiration is everywhere.
Question everything. Tout est possible.
Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.
There is al-ways hope.
The world is yours.