for mixed SATB choir

Written: 2010-11
Duration: 7'
Instrumentation: mixed SATB choir
Commissioned by Musica SacraKent Tritle, director and conductor
World Premiere: Musica Sacra, Kent Tritle, Director, St. John the Divine, New York, NY, March 4, 2015.
PublisherBill Holab Music

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Initially, Lux Aeterna was the only work I had ever written without a program note. I just couldn't bring myself to write one for a piece so close to my heart and with so much personal meaning. After a long period of time and reflection, and after many people asked, I decided to write a little about this piece. It was inspired by my wife Victoria having a miscarriage during her second trimester and the sense of loss, grief, and hopelessness we experienced when this happened. As a small source of comfort and to help us find a way forward in our hearts, I composed this piece in memory of our unborn child, with the notion that perhaps our child's spirit is in a happy place or at least the memory of who our child would have been can live on in our hearts. Miscarriages are often not discussed openly, so this piece is just one small gesture of love and support for anyone who has endured this experience in their lives. This piece also exists as an instrumental work entitled Stillness for alto flute or oboe and marimba.

Press Quotes

The program opened with Robert Paterson’s gorgeous “Lux Aeterna,” a setting of excerpts from the Requiem Mass and featured on a new disc of the composer’s choral works. Tautly scored with vivid contrasts and soaring lines, the work proved a highlight of the program.
— The New York Times