for clarinet, violin, cello, marimba and piano
Written: 1996
Duration: 7'
Instrumentation: B-flat clarinet, violin, cello, 4 1/3 octave marimba and piano
Winner of the Society for New Music Brian Israel Prize
Premiere: Music Links Consort Concert, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Auer Hall, Bloomington, IN, August 3, 1996.
Publisher: Bill Holab Music
In medieval music, ‘quintus’ means the fifth voice or part. In Quintus, I highlight each part, usually as a solo, but sometimes two at a time, either in rhythmic unison or with a kind of call and response. Unless the solos are exposed, such as in the piano part, they are often backed by a virtual drumset consisting of percussive sounds made by the other instruments. A bass drum sound is created with deadstrokes on the marimba and by striking the body of the cello, a snare drum is created with clarinet multiphonics (playing more than one note at a time) and high marimba notes. Other sections just groove along, often with the marimbist playing a funky pattern using “marimshots” in the left hand (striking four notes at once, two with mallet heads and two with the shafts).