My New Website!

Finally, after months of tinkering, my new website is up and running. I think it is a vast improvement over the last version, but I would love some feedback. If there is anything that does not work or looks bad (especially on a PC, as it was constructed on a Mac), please let me know. I know a few of you out there will be especially critical: a while back I wrote a strongly worded post called Why Website Navigation Matters, but it's OK. I can handle it. All I ask is that you try to be constructive. So what's different? Here are a few additions and changes:

β€’ Probably most importantly, the navigation is definitely better. Depending on the type of search you use, you can now find my works in many different places. There is also a search button at the top of each page.

β€’ If you order one of my works, you can use different shipping methods and shipping costs to different countries will automatically be figured in.

β€’ A few more sound files and more photos (in different resolutions)

β€’ Three different versions of my bio, reviews and quotes

β€’ A few new links pages.

β€’ My past performances are now divided by year, in case you really want to know when and where my works were performed.

β€’ For percussionists, there is a new in-progress essay called Introduction to My Six-Mallet Technique that now includes photos. This should give percussionists a rough idea of how to play my six-mallet marimba pieces.

β€’ A new essay on Why "Serious" Composers Should Support Broadway

β€’ I removed the awards page that existed on the last version of my site.

Eventually, I will add videos, more photos, sound and score clips, a links page to performers who have performed my music, as well as information on new pieces I am working on right now.

Aside from the website, I also am in the process of redesigning this blog to look a little more like the website, but so far, it looks pretty bland; I still have to figure out how to edit the CSS page. If any of you out there are good at this, let me know. I might have a job for you.

Lastly, please check out my new MySpace page. It's basically a watered down version of what you'll find on my site, but I do include information on my influences, which might interest the two people out there that bother to check it out. If you have a MySpace page, I hope you’ll stop by and be my friend.