Ginger and Spice perform The Tale of Orion, the third movement from Scorpion Tales, during their debut full-length show The Ginger & Spice Show. Performance will include animation by students from Parkland College.
Program Description:
"Prepare for the unexpected! Ginger & Spice is a cross-over harp duo that combines harp playing, singing, acting, dancing, and comedy into lively, romping-good-time shows. Comprised of fellow redheaded harpists Ann McLaughlin and Molly O’Roark, Ginger & Spice performs an eclectic range of repertoire from Gershwin to Coldplay and has championed the four-hands-one-harp technique in which both harpists perform on the same harp at the same time. The duo’s fun-for-everyone shows mix up the concert tradition, interweaving classical and popular music into a fun, exciting multimedia rush."